London - Marylebone - Great Central Hotel
Marylebone Road : NW1 6JQ
London - Marylebone - Great Central Hotel : Image credit Wiki Commons London - Marylebone - Great Central Hotel : Image credit Cycling magazine The 600 room Great Central Hotel was built on Marylebone Road in 1899 as a Great Central railway hotel, next to the new Marylebone station, which opened in the same year.

An unusual feature of the hotel was a bicycle track which was built on the roof, for guests to use. Lloyds Weekly Newspaper of December 25th 1898 described the bicycle track at the hotel "A novel feature of the building, which occupies three sides of an immense square, is a bicycle track on its roof, which will enable visitors to get cycling exercise without leaving the premises."

Cycling of February 4th 1899 was sceptical about the track and wrote "A report got about that the Great Central Hotel, Marylebone, would construct a cycle track on the roof! Perhaps we may expect a track round the Dome of St Paul's!"

The Great Central Hotel was requisitioned in the First World War as a convalescent home for returning officers. The hotel changed its name several times and in 1995 was renamed the Landmark Hotel.

This is not a racing cycle track but it is included because it was so unusual.

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Photos : Wiki Commons, Cycling magazine